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ME Hollywood Films Corporation
Executive Producers Required For New Theatrical Films & US TV Series - Apply Now.
World Executive Officers:
ME Hollywood Films Corporation Los Angeles.
Read their bios and our Los Angeles reception lines are open 24Hrs Monday thru Friday, Tel: +1 213 788 7770
Randy Turrow,
American Vice President
Executive Producer
Gemma Tomkins,
PA to the CEO in Los Angeles
Our Offices: Los Angeles - London - Miami - Milan - Paris - Tokyo - Madrid - Monaco - Honolulu - Rio de Janeiro.
Please note Myke Macino does not meet people, if a meeting is ever agreed. The waiting time is 6 to 36 months or more, often corporations are charged $2m USD to meet with him for the appointment, we don't really accept meeting requests.
Our successful motion picture group of corporations wouldn’t be the same without our fantastic board members, and our senior executive management, with our associates and leadership teams who will work tirelessly to help us execute our project's and deliver the results of perfection in global worldwide entertainment & employment of thousands of people, across the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe & Asia. Todays News.
Divisional Executives: - If you would like to contact any of our corporation executives in any city, simply call the main switchboard in Los Angeles and say the name of the executive you would like to contact, our reception staff will connect your call the office assistant of the executive. If they are not available the will return your call within two business days if they have interest or if they are able to to accomodate your requirements, thank you.
ME Hollywood Films Los Angeles CEO Myke Macino has a degree in project finance and is an expert with bank instruments such as, Stand By Letters of Credit, SBLC's, Documentary Letters of Credit DLC's, Bank Guarantee's BG's, Certificates of Deposit CD's, Treasury Bills, T Bills, and T Strips, Medium Term Notes, MTN's, and Trading Platforms with the top twenty - five world's biggest banks, commodity and equity trading, Insurance Wraps & buy sell programmes.
At ME Hollywood Films Los Angeles the Corporate Structure: - The CEO Technically the leader of the corporation, the board chairman is responsible for running the board smoothly and effectively. Myke Macino's duties typically include maintaining strong communication with the vice presidents and high-level executives, formulating the company's business strategy, representing management and the board to the general public and, and maintaining corporate integrity. Our chairman is Myke Macino a self made substantial business man.
At ME Hollywood Films Los Angeles the Inside Directors: – These directors are responsible for approving high-level budgets prepared by upper management, implementing and monitoring business strategy, and approving core corporate initiatives and projects. Inside directors are either shareholders or high-level managers from within the company. Inside directors help provide internal perspectives for other board members. These individuals are also referred to as executive directors if they are part of the company's senior executive management team.
Please do not visit any of our global offices without an appointment, Or to deliver mail or anything else. As you will not be seen by any executive and security will not allow you into the buildings. CCTV & 24 Hr Camera Operations in Progress.nor do we accept any unsolicited phone calls, or material, scripts, gifts, e-mail's or faxes or anything else. All emails , phone calls and communication is fully monitored twenty four hrs a day, seven days a week by and our international security division, see our Legal disclaimer Click here.
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